2018 Aged 23
Sefi is now in her 3rd. year of nurse training at medical college in Dessie.
2018 Aged 23
Sefi is now in her 3rd. year of nurse training at medical college in Dessie.
2017 Aged 22
Sefi is from a village called Sorba which is 30 Km. from Lalibela. She is one of 6 children and has elderly, very poor, parents.
She completed her elementary education in Sorba. Her parents then wanted her to marry a local farmer that she didn’t know. Sefi did not want this and wanted to continue with her education. She therefore moved into Lalibela and has managed to complete grades 9,10, 11 and 12. Unfortunately she did not get a place at University. She is now in her 2nd. year of nurse training at Medical College in Dessie
2016 Aged 21
Unfortunately Sefi didn’t get a place at University.
She has enrolled to study nursing at the
Medical college in Dessie.
It has been agreed to support her with 600 birr per month throughout her training.
3 of our grade 10 students did not get a place in grade 11. This is the stage of a large cut off. There are approximately 3,000 students in grade 10 and 300 places in grade 11.
The 2 girls, Yeshimet Sete Zebegna and Desta Mengistu Tadie, have decided not to join the further education college and have left the fund. We are delighted to have supported them to the level of grade 10 education, a level that many young girls don’t attain.
So this year we have 4 continuing students still in the school system.
Sefi is from a village called Sorba which is 30 Km. from Lalibela. She is one of 6 children and has elderly, very poor, parents.
She completed her elementary education in Sorba. Her parents then wanted her to marry a local farmer that she didn’t know. Sefi did not want this and wanted to continue with her education. She therefore moved into Lalibela and has managed to complete grades 9 and 10. Every week she walks 3 or 4 times to her parents in order to get some food.
She has now gained a place in grade 11 and will hopefully be going to University in 2 years time.
It has been agreed to give her a payment of 500 birr per month with 2 performance related payments of up to 250 birr each.