Mebratu Tsehaynew

MEBRATU-TSEHAYNEW-20102010 Age 20 years

Mebratu has now successfully completed grade 12. In his report of the year, he says that the £25 per month we have given him has allowed him to live a ‘luxurious life’. ‘Luxurious’ is not as we understand! I know that the money has been used to rent a room in Lalibela and that one of his sisters, and a school friend, have also been staying there, at no cost. The £25 has therefore been supporting 3 young people.

The money has enabled Mebratu to concentrate on his studies. Unfortunately, he did not get a high enough grade to be accepted to study Computer Science at University, which was his dream. He has, however, been given a place at Dessie University to study Computational Science (Maths and Sciences in addition to a teaching qualification). He is very happy with this. It has been agreed to give him 600 Birr (£30) per month for the year. There will also be two, performance related, incentive bonuses, paying up to 600 Birr each.

Getnet Biru

GETNET-BIRU-20102010 Age 18 years

Getnet has spent the year in the Vocational School in Lalibela. He has been studying to be a tour guide. On completion, he will have a good opportunity for work in Lalibela. He re-sat his grade 10 national examinations, but again did not achieve the required grades for entry to grade 11.

He is happy with his tour-guiding course and it has been agreed to support him for a second year at College with 500 Birr (£25) per month. There will also be two, performance related, incentive bonuses, paying up to 250 Birr each.

Getanu Getnu

GETANU-GETNU-20102010 Age 18 years

Getanu sat his grade 10 National examinations in June. Unfortunately, he did not achieve a high enough grade to get a place in grade 11. (200 students out of the 2,000 in grade 10 achieve a place).

He has successfully got a place in the Vocational School to study textiles. He is studying his grade 10 work at night school and will re-sit his grade 10 national exams in June.

It has been agreed to support him for the year. He will get 500 Birr (£25) per month and two, performance related, incentive bonuses, paying up to 250 Birr each.

Tarko Naguse

TARKO-NAGUSE-20102010 Age 20 years

Tarko has spent the year at the Vocational School, in Lalibela. He has been studying furniture making. He re-sat his grade 10 national examinations, but, again, did not achieve the required grades for entry to grade 11.

He is happy with his course and it has been agreed to support him for a second year at College with 500 Birr (£25) per month. There will also be two, performance related, incentive bonuses, paying up to 250 Birr each.

Wubetu Biset Awoke

WUBETU-BISET-AWOKE-20102010 Aged 16

Wubeta’s father died when he was young. His mother was killed 2 years ago, by a thrown stone. His sister, aged 20, has been trying to keep the family together. There are 5 children in total. They live in a hut in Shimsha, which is 10 kilometres from Lalibela. Every day, Wubeta walks the 10 Km to school in Lalibela and the 10Km home to Shimsha. Continue reading Wubetu Biset Awoke

Abebe Salehu Weleargay

ABEBE-SALEHU-WELEARGAY-20102010 Aged 19 years

Abebe is one of 11 children from Shimsha which is 10 Km from Lalibela. His family are very poor and cannot support him in his education. He managed to support himself in lower school as there was only half- day attendance and he could work at labouring in the other half day.

Last year was a problem to him as he was in grade 11, which has full day attendance. In addition, he walked 10 Km. each way, every day, to get to school and back home. In spite of all his problems, he finished third in his class this year.

He is now in grade 12 and it has been agreed to give him support. He will get 500 Birr (£25) per month and two, performance related, incentive bonuses, paying up to 250 Birr each.

The money has enabled him to rent accommodation in Lalibela and concentrate on his studies.

Destaw Temesgn Gelaye

2010 Aged 19 years

Destaw made application for support from the scholarship fund. He was one of the 10 selected from the 61 applicants to have their form sent to the Scottish committee. At that time, he was not selected for support. His results in the grade 12 national examinations were excellent. He was the top scoring student in Lalibela. Because of this, it was decided to make an exception and give him support at University. He will get 600 Birr (£30) per month for the year. There will also be two, performance related, incentive bonuses, paying up to 600 Birr each.

Destaw is from a very poor family in Debeko, which is 34 Km. from Lalibela. He supported himself through his education by teaching younger children. He hoped to get a place to study medicine, but the Government has allocated him a place at Addis Ababa University to study engineering. He is happy with this.

Unfortunately, he was not here to have his photograph taken, and is now in Addis Ababa. He is absolutely delighted to have been given the support.

Fund Report 2009

I am delighted to say that the fund is now in operation. Many thanks to all who have contributed. I hope that you will be happy with the way your money is being spent. I have had the pleasure of meeting the children and telling them about the support.

Their smiles said it all for me!

The committee in Lalibela has selected the 10 most deserving young people from the 38 applicants. The committee in Scotland has agreed that all 10 should be given support this year.

The stories are very similar as all the children are from very poor backgrounds. I am delighted that such a range of young people has been selected. We are supporting University students, College students, Vocational school students and some young people who would not be able to continue at school without our support.


baye-2009-2010Baye who could not attend the ‘group’ photograph.


Yonas Geamu

yonas-gedamu2009 Age 19 years

Yonas has elderly parents who are unable to work and are therefore unable to support. He completed grade 12 this year and was the top student in Lalibela. He has been allocated a place at Gonder University to study medicine, and our support means that he can take up this place.

It has been agreed to give him 900 Birr every month (£45), with an incentive bonus of 600 Birr on successful completion of semester 1, and another 600 Birr on successful completion of first year.

Sefi Melaku

sefi-melaku2009 Age 18 years

Sefi’s family farm in a village 45 Km. from Lalibela. She has 3 sisters and 1 brother. To support her education, she has worked as a servant in Lalibela. This has given her board and lodgings.

I quote from her application form “It is hard to take pride in a bridge that you can’t cross and in a door that you can’t open. I have nothing to cross the bridge ahead of me and nothing to open the door that acts as the gateway to my
life and economic independence.”

We are opening the door!

She has gained a place at Jijiga University to study Computational Science (Biology ,Chemistry, Physics + teaching qualification). It has been agreed to give her 900 Birr every month (£45), with an incentive bonus of 600 Birr on successful completion of semester 1 and another 600 Birr on successful completion
of first year.

Desta Abebaw

desta-abebaw2009 Age 19 years

Desta’s parents live 40 Km. from Lalibela. She is the second youngest of 5 children. She is a clever girl, but the parents do not have the money to support her further education. She has successfully completed grade 12 and is taking up a place at Debre Birhan University. She will be studying Social Sciences and Humanities.

It has been agreed to give her 900 Birr every month (£45), with an incentive bonus of 600 Birr on successful completion of semester 1 and another 600 Birr on successful completion of first year.

Adane Akanie

adane-akane2009 Age 19 years

Adane is one of 6 children. His family are farmers. His performance at elementary school was excellent and he progressed to secondary school 3 years ago. He was ranked number 1 in grade 9. During grade 10, his mother died and, as his father is old, this put a lot of pressure on him to support the family.

His results in the grade 10 National exam were not good enough to let him progress to grade 11. Last year he joined the Vocational school in Lalibela to study Surveying. He had to drop out as he did not have enough money to pay the fees, or to live. ( I do not have the price of my mouth!) He resat the National exam this year and has obtained high enough marks to go to teacher training college and study for a Diploma in teaching.

It has been agreed to give him 900 Birr every month (£45), with an incentive bonus of 600 Birr on successful completion of semester 1 and another 600 Birr on successful completion of first year.