Congratulations to the class of 2022

Congratulations to the class of 2022
Eyerus was one of our first 10 students who joined the fund in 2009. We have supported her through grades 11 and 12 at school and through 5 years at Axum University. She now has a BSc in Engineering and a handsome husband. It is time for her to leave the fund and we wish her every success for her future. We hope she keeps her smile!
Without the support from the scholarship fund, we would never have seen this day.
We are very grateful to all who have contributed.
You have given us a chance of a future and we will do our best to grasp it with both hands.
CONGRATULATIONS to our fourth crop of graduates
Destaw has graduated with a BSc in Civil Engineering with Distinction
He has been doing contract work in Addis Ababa.
The Ethiopian Roads Authority sponsor clever young engineers to do a masters degree. Destaw has made application and will hear in February whether, or not, he has been accepted. If he is accepted, his fees will be paid but he would need help towards his living expenses.
Adane has graduated with a BSc in Agriculture and Rural Extension
Adane is interested in setting up his own chicken rearing farm.
As good chicken is not presently available in Lalibela, Ben Abeba Restaurant is happy to support him in this venture.
He is working on his Business Plan and will then look for funding to set up his business.
CONGRATULATIONS to our third crop of graduates.
For the second time we are able to give congratulations to our graduates.
Muluye has graduated with a
BA in Cooperatives (Accounting and Auditing) with distinction from Hawassa University
Muluye now has employment with the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia and is presently based in Dessie.
He wrote to me asking that I pass on his thanks to everyone who has helped him in his achievement. It would have been impossible for him to reach this level without the financial support from the fund.
2013 Age 19 years
Wubetu has graduated with Diploma 3 in Tourism Marketing from the Further Education College in Lalibela.