Fund Report 2018

Once again, we held a meeting in September 2018 and most of our students were able to attend. This gives the students a chance to meet, discuss and share their experiences. In 2017-2018 we supported 46 students and paid to them the equivalent of £12,600. The students have been receiving 600 birr per month since the fund started which is approximately £18. It has been agreed that the payments this year are increased to 700 birr (£21).

6 students graduated from University this year. One has been privately sponsored through the fund and has achieved his Masters degree in Management. Many thanks to Pat who has agreed to keep supporting the other young people on the fund. 4 students have been awarded their BA degrees. Yengusie has graduated with a BSc in Construction Technology after 5 years of study. In her spare time, she has been studying for a degree in accounting! This won’t be completed until June 2019 and we have agreed to continue her support for this year.

3 of our grade 10 students were unsuccessful in gaining a place in preparatory school. Habtemarium Ezra decided not to continue education and has now left the fund. Mengistu Yiman and Lemleme Shumye have both started at college and we will continue to support them.

Thanks to everyone’s generosity, we have been able to accept 6 new students into the fund. This means we are supporting 46 students in 2018-2019. Please accept the grateful thanks of all the students. You are making a huge difference to the hopes and aspirations of these young people.

The fund could not operate without the team of people who give their time to ensure the smooth operation. Many thanks to June, Margaret and Morag who keep everything running in Scotland and to Tefera, Habtamu and Teshale who look after everything in Ethiopia. Thanks also to Simon, in London, who donates his time and his computing skills to keep the website updated.


You can download the full SASF Fund Report 2017-2018 as a PDF for printing or offline viewing

If you are able to help us then please use our Just Giving fund raising account to contribute.